Weightech USA is a global distributor of weighing systems offering one of the leading brands of precision load cells, tank weigh modules, gauges and related accessories. With our office strategically located in Miami, FL, we now supply the US and Latin American market, in addition to our headquarters in Florianopolis, Brazil, which handles our local operations in that territory. Our mission is to provide our customers with world-class weighing systems such as Vishay (Sensortronics, Revere, Tedea and Celtron), HBM and Berman.
Our Mission is to provide our partners with weighing technology solutions that enhance the competitiveness of their projects through modernity, quality and cost optimization.The most fundamental pillar, which permeates all Weightech operations, is the commitment to commercial and human relationships. We believe that the greatest return from each business is the one achieved together with long-lasting partnerships, carefully built based on a serious relationship policy, based on trust, respect and focused on the long term. With these values strengthened daily, Weightech has maintained its high pace of growth since its foundation, reinvesting a large part of its results in human resources, in the improvement of the logistics structure and in the research and development processes, configuring a business model that differentiates itself for delivering intelligent and specific solutions for each partner.
Davie (USA)ADMINISTRATION FINANCE AND BILLING SALES LOGISTICS AND DISTRIBUTION CENTER 10384 W State Road 84 #6 - Davie, FL 33324 - Davie (FL) Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 9am to 05pm. Phone: +1 954-666-0877 |
Biguaçu (BR)LOGISTICS BILLING DISTRIBUTION CENTER Rua Edgard Hoffmann, 616 -Beira Rio - ZIP CODE. 88164-275 - Biguaçu (SC) Service: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:30 pm (GMT -3:00)Phone: +55 (48) 3331-3200. |
SÃO PAULO (BR)SALES TECHNICAL SUPPORT Av. Jabaquara, 1771 – Mirandópolis ZIP CODE. 04045-003 - São Paulo (SP) Service: Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm (GMT -3:00) Phones: +55 (11) 3763-5013 / 3766-9125 |